
Nov 27, 2023

First comes clarity and then comes alignment. When you get really clear on what you are all about (your values, vision, mission) and what you are trying to do with your one wild & precious life, alignment comes next.

Alignment is great when things fit and are actually aligned, you get to invite all that's aligned in to this life you are making for yourself. But in a season of change, it can feel like a doozy when you discover misalignment.

When something no longer serves you for where you are going, the most compassionate thing you can do for all involved is to let it go. And that is so much easier said than done. Just know that the letting go of what is not aligned frees up space for more of what IS aligned.

Clarity is powerful and when you combine it with alignment: so much is possible!

My encouragement to you: get clear on where you are going and let go of what isn't aligned to make space for more of what is.

Example using this weeks Podcast theme of a Marathon:

Clarity: I want to run a marathon and feel happy, healthy & whole while doing it!
Alignment might look like:
Alignment: a Saturday morning running group
Misalignment: Friday night fesitivities
Only you will know for sure what is aligned, but a re-priotiizing of sorts is almost always in order.

Thoughts for living life to the hilt,

- Steph


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